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The Home Mill Co.

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

Its not worth it to have a large pile of things that are just broken.Its also not worth your money to buy an item that will serve you just once or twice before the need to replace it arises.

However,what do we mean by quality and how exactly do you separate a good quality item from a bad quality items?and why is it so important?

What is a good quality item and how do you tell?

in this post we are referring to any physical item that makes up your interior space.From large items such as furniture and carpets to small items such as a cup or a photo album or book or cutlery.

A good quality item is any item that has the following characteristics.

  • well made with good workmanship which means the stitches as neat and tidy,if its glued there are no lumps of glue visible if its wood its been well sanded.

  • It is made of good material which means that if its glass its dense enough thus not very brittle if its fabric then the threads are not loose if its wood it doesn't easily chip and so on.We'll do a post that covers material better and how to identify and separate good verses bad.

  • Consistency in its form.This doesn't mean that organic shapes are bad;rather it means that the shape is that which it is intended.For example if its a couch then the cushion is consistent and it doesn't have areas where the cushion is larger or harder or more dense e.t.c

  • The price.If a deal is too good then think twice.A good quality material definitely takes time,equipment and talent to make as well as good material therefore the cost is bound to be higher.However,not all priced elements are good quality so be careful while shopping.Although,you can get really good quality items by sourcing them second hand which would be way better than getting yourself a bad new item.The best thing to do if you do not want to buy a second hand item yet you have the time and money is to do it yourself;there are plenty of tutorials that could guide you and we shall soon cover this topic of DIY.

Why is it so important to get good quality items?

There are many reasons as to why quality always wins.Mainly because it prevents you from hording,it also saves your money and most of all it uplifts your interior space to a higher standard.

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Pillows and throws.



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